by TamaraAbbey <t_abbey(at)>

 Date:  12 Aug 99 20:13:04 MDT
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hello all,

Everyone has been so helpful already. Now, here's another question.

I was recently hired as the communications editor for an association. The=

association has the web site done by an outside contractor that uses ASP.=
 I am
looking for an *in a nutshell* on just what asp is and what it does. I've=

heard it will do everything except butter my bread, but I'm having troubl=
understanding why anyone would use it in the first place.

I only recently learned CSS and I'm struggling with JavaScript, but it se=
those would be adequate tools for most sites. I want to grab my company's=

website so I can view it offline, but the asp seems to prevent this.

Any work arounds as well as a decent definition? Something non-technical

Thank You!

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