Recommended Course

by "Patricia Brewer" <plbrewer(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 23 Aug 1999 09:44:39 PDT
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi, you all!

As a beginning Web page developer and mature FT student at a local community 
college, I need some advice.  If I ask the instuctors, they always recommend 
their own courses over someone else's, so I'll ask your advice instead.

The college offers these three courses this fall.  Which would be the most 
valuable for a Web page developer, in your opinion? (I may or may not get to 
complete the ATA in the long run.)

1) Structured Analysis/Design:  Structured analysis and design theory with 
an introduction to "logical" data and process modeling and "physical" data 
and process modeling.

2)  DOS for Technicians:  This course is designed to introduce the 
fundamentals of DOS.  This includes a basic understanding of files, 
directories, disk maintenance file management, data protection, memory 
management, controlling the nevironment, customization and batch file 

3) PC Hardware Basics:  This course is designed to give the student a basic 
knowledge of hardware and software configurations.  It includes the 
installation of various peripheral devices as well as basic system hardware 

Courses I've completed to date include WWW Page Development, Info Systems 
Concepts, Intro to Oprtg. Systems, Programming Concepts, and Intro to C 
Language.  This fall I'm taking SQL and an independent study in Multimedia, 
which will allow me to try out all the wonderful software available 
(PhotoShop, etc.).  I'm in a dilemma trying to figure out the third course 
to add.  Which of the above three would be most useful?  (Nothing else 
offered I could take for the fall.)



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