Re: Website Creation Question

by "�Megan �" <peacedream(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 12 Oct 1999 09:20:46 PDT
 To:  Steven_Gara(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
Actually, I think you have just the right list!
I suggest that you start with what you want.
Think about what your purpose is and how you want it to look.

   Then, look for a tutorial on HTML.
A good one is
Upon completing the tutorial, go ahead and make your site on your
After you do that, you need to find a place to put it.

   If you are looking for a free place to put it, I suggest you go to I suggest avoiding the companies 
that you have heard of before because chances are that it's just easier to 
go around them.  (such as angelfire or geocities.)  Look for some company 
that won't put banners or pop ups on your site, those are very unattractive 
to visitors.

  Now, if you are wanting something like that costs money, 
although there are services that can make it something like or whatever the company is.  It's all about your 

   After you have your site posted, send an email to the critique list on 
hwg, they can help you with the design.
   If you aren't sure how something is done, just ask us at hwgbasics, 
chances are someone can help, but first go to and search 
the archives in case the question has been answered before.

Good luck!
----Original Message Follows----
From: Steven_Gara(at)
To: hwg-basics(at)
Subject: Website Creation Question
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 09:00:48 -0400


     I'm a trial member of the guild and don't know if this is the correct
e-mail to send this question (the guild has so many e-mail addresses) so if
it's not, can you forward it to the proper individuals?  I just simply want
to know (as a novice) how to begin to plan the process of creating a
website.  Is there a list that can be e-mailed to me that could serve as a
general "project blueprint"?

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