Why/How split Large Trans. Gif into tables?

by "Tim Newcome" <nukehtml(at)hotmail.com>

 Date:  Fri, 29 Oct 1999 00:12:45 -0500
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)mail.hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hello All,
I am a new poster, so if I break any list protocol please
understand...ignorance is bliss:-{0  (more like a blister, maybe)

In my quest for a html education I have stubbed my toe on tables.  I have a
few questions for you experts out there on the other side of my send button.

1.  Why do the professional web designers often split large graphics into
multiple tables?  e.g. www.wpeck.com

2.  What is the easiest way to learn how to do this?  I am not completely
ignorant, I can and do make tables, but I never have incorporated an image
like the above ex.


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