Re: frames question

by "Sean Healy" <jalopeura(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 17 Nov 1999 08:27:01 AKST
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Looks like your problem is that Geocities doesn't specify a target for the 
form, so the browser defaults to "_self", and then loads your page into the 
frame which is named BODY in the frameset source file.  I can think of a 
couple solutions.

1. If they allow you to specify the page that loads after completing the 
form, specify "FruitfulAcres.htm" and just the inside page will reload.
2. If they allow you to modify the FORM tag, add target="_top", and it will 
load the whole page again into the top, but then everyone has to redownload 
4 files (the frameset file, and the 3 specified source files).
3. If you can't do either of those things, then your suggestion of taking 
the "sign guestbook" out of frames is probably the best way.  Change your 
"sign guestbook" link to target="_top" and then it will load into the whole 
browser window, and reload your page when done.

If anything is unclear, let me know and I'll try to explain it better.

----Original Message Follows----
From: Raymond and Anne Keckler <raymondkeckler(at)>

I have a personal web site at Geocities.

I use frames for my border.  My problem is that when
someone goes to sign my guestbook, which is provided
by Geocities, when they click on the link to return to
my page they get the frames all over again!  I do not
seem to have any control over this.  I have fixed it
in the View Guestbook page, but cannot seem to fix it

One option I am considering would be to eliminate the
frames entirely from the Sign Guestbook page.  I can't
seem to remember how to do that.  I know I have to
specify where that page is supposed to open when I put
the link in my main page.

Please help!  TIA!


Raymond Keckler, BSCS MCSE
Anne Keckler, Homemaker and Breadbaker

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