supported tags in older browsers

by "Sean Healy" <jalopeura(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 03 Dec 1999 09:02:49 AKST
 To:  hwg-basics(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
Netscape has a helpful page at which 
has all the tags Netscape has supported starting from 1.0.  When you need to 
know whether a certain tag is supported by a certain release of Netscape, 
you can just go there to look for it.  I'm wondering if anybody knows of a 
similar resource for IE and Opera.

I looked all over the Microsoft Developers Network to no avail, and finally 
wrote an email to Microsoft explaining that I had looked and looked.  I got 
a reply saying, "Check the Microsoft Developers Network."  So obviously they 
don't even bother to read their emails.  (I guess I shouldn't be too 
surprised, because they must get a ton of email, and besides, they're part 
of corporate America.)

Does anyone know of such a list anywhere?  It would be very helpful in 
desgning my websites for backwards compatibility (I use NN 4.7, IE 5.0, and 
Opera 3.6, and I want to make sure visitors with older browsers aren't 
getting garbled pages.)

Please don't point me to for the HTML 2.0, 3.2, and 4.0 
specifications.  Browsers have never fully supported these.  They don't 
implement certain tags, and they invent new tags not part of official HTML, 
so a simple list of the tags in each version of HTML won't help.

Sorry for cross-posting, but I thought the question was pertinent to both 

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