Re: Fwd: Re: Inline Frames: Change of(f) Topic NS6

by "David Fauteux" <phobos23(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 14 Apr 2000 07:37:22 EDT
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
<i>Agreed. Now, what's the argument for optimizing for a browser that has a 
*0%* market share, namely Opera?</i>

I do believe the argument for optimizing for Opera is that it uses the W3C 
HTML standard as opposed to all the add-ons to the standard that the other 
browsers have. This way it sort of makes Opera the real defacto browser 
because if something doesn't show in Opera chances are it won't show in 
either one (or both) of the major browsers.

I use Opera and I think it's a wonderful browser. It's fully customizable 
and all that stuff, but I don't specifically design my sites for Opera. 
Simply because I'm sort of limited with what I can and cannot do. (I believe 
they are still using the HTML 3.2 standard.)

Unless, of course you had a site with a high number of hit from people with 

I think this is what it all comes down to... Know your customers. If most of 
them use Opera, or MSIE, or NN then you design for whichever is the most 
prevalent browser(s).

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