A little more on uploading images and...

by Olga Stewart <stewart_o(at)yahoo.com>

 Date:  Fri, 14 Apr 2000 19:11:22 -0700 (PDT)
 To:  hwg-basics(at)mail.hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original

Albert, as soon as you get that browse window open, go
to the top and scroll down to either your hard drive
(on my computer (which is Windows 98/IE 4.0), it's
called 'My Documents' or to your A: drive (this would
be your floppy disk).

As soon as either of those windows, that you have your
files on, comes up, click on the file that you want to
upload and take it from there.

Though, again, this is where FTP would come in handy
because you could upload multiple files, all at once.

Hope that helps.

As for the domain name site, I was going to sign up
with a company called CADVISION.  I really liked that
they had many packages to choose from and their
response time to my queries was quite amazing. 
However, I had to delete my account and I didn't use
them.  And when deleting your account, they usually
like you to fax in a written request.  Though, since I
didn't have a fax, they did it for me.

But I wouldn't recommend Network Solutions.  Well, I
guess I wouldn't because I was rather very stupid when
dealing with this page.  I signed up for an account
and then I realized I wouldn't be able to use it. 
Repeated attempts to contact them about it had left me
frustrated, as they won't cancel the page.  They
insist I have to pay.  I've tried to be patient in my
explanations to them and I have admitted my mistake in
this.  Nothing gained, I'm afraid.  And of course,
they did send an invoice.  So, that's another issue to
deal with.

BTW, Cadvision's address is http://www.cadvision.com 
Of course, if you go through the search engines, you
may be able to find some more.  Or follow the
suggestions of others, here on the list.

Hope that also helps.

Take care.

"Men play at tragedy because they do not believe in 
 the reality of the tragedy which is actually being
 staged in the civilised world."
                            -- Jose Ortega y Gasset

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