That Ol' Time HTML

by "Larry Dozier" <mr_griz(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 19 Jun 2000 23:56:08 PDT
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi all,

Not to change the subject from our other very enlightening thread, but I 
could use a little input on a project I'm working on...

I developed an html tutorial a few years ago called HTML 4 Rookies. It was 
fairly successful, but I got too busy to keep it current, and a buyer came 
along a few weeks before what promised to be a very dismal Christmas for my 
kids, so I sold it.

I've regretted that decision from the moment I signed the contract, and have 
decided to create a new tutorial site.

Here's where I could use some help:

The old tutorial was written while 3.2 was the standard, and the sequence of 
lessons was fairly obvious. I taught the basic structure of the html 
document, followed by text manipulation tags, then hyperlinks and images, 
and ended the whole sheebang with Tables.

But now, we have things like style sheets to deal with, and I have no idea 
when I should introduce them. Should I teach style first, or somewhere in 
the middle, or should I leave it for the end? If I teach them first, that 
would eliminate the need for some of the older tags, but I'm afraid that 
might be way too confusing for a novice.

I've been a member of this list for a few years now, and first learned HTML 
by religiously studying every digest that showed up in my email. I trust 
that the same people who taught me HTML can lead me into a better way to 
teach it.


Larry Dozier
You have an uncle in the domain name business

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