URLs, anchors, and Frames

by Eric Pederson <e_dog_(at)yahoo.com>

 Date:  Fri, 19 Apr 2002 22:18:59 -0700 (PDT)
 To:  hwg-basics(at)hwg.org
 Cc:  eric(at)zomething.com
  todo: View Thread, Original
Would appreciate some sage guidance on making frames work!  Forgive me
in advance if my question is remedial - I'm a rank novice, but
hopefully on a steep learning curve.

I have a "page" I'd like to send the URL out for in an e-mail.  The
"page" consists of a frameset with a particular target page in the
bottom frame.  The particular target page is not the initial page that
loads into that frame.  Is there a way to specify this in a URL, so
that the desired target loads in the bottom frame?

Assuming the answer to that question is "no", I want to send out the
URL for the target page, apart from the frameset, adding a link on that
page back to the framset.  This seems to work fine.  The visitor gets
the content of interest, and has a path back to the main page

The trouble with that approach is that when I come to the site via the
front door (the frame set), and reach that particular frame-load, the
link back to the frameset loads a "frame within a frame".

Is there a slick way around this?

here is the target frame: http://www.zomething.com/Why-Tri.htm

(this site is just a learning vehicle)

thanks in advance...

Best regards,

Eric Pederson 
(c) Copyright E. Pederson, 2002
--unintelligible Since 1960--  (tm) 
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