RE: Banners - eeeew

by "Jennifer Heneberry" <jen(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 22 Mar 2000 13:48:30 -0500
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Janet and list:

>Can someone point me to some information about banner advertising - 
or to
>some articles examining whether or not they actually bring in
I found the following articles really useful when I was considering
advertising revenue possibilities and banner ads.  Alertbox makes the
arguement that banner ads are ineffective, and that they are becoming
less so as time goes on, while CNET doesn't make an arguement either
way, but one gets the impression that they think banner ads are

>From alertbox:

And from CNET:

My personal opinion and experience has been that banner ads are more
effective when as part of a content-similar adverstising network
( is an example that springs to mind),
since the ads are more appropriately geared for a particular
audience, rather than a place like, where , if I
recall correctly, there is no guarantee that you will be advertising
to an audience that is more likely to care.  But like I said, that's
just my impression while surfing and what I am likely to do, so you
can leave that right there on the table if it's not to your liking. :)

Hope this helps you out.


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