Re: alt tags in image maps

by Michael Jon Muehlendorf <haoka(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 28 Apr 2000 13:37:06 -0500
 To:  "Rayne Alburquerque" <rayneal(at)>,
"HGW-Basics" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  home
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Once more Rayne....

As far as breaking the image, that is what I would suggest. Not that image
maps don't have their application, and there are utilities that will
construct them for you easily, but I never use them. I feel that image
dicing and re-arranging in a table gives you more options than a map. Take
for instance, an area of your assembled image has nothing but white space,
or background color...maybe you want to capitalize on that screen real
estate somehow...well, you could delete the part of the image in that data
cell and substitute oh...I don't know, a text link? a tiny animated gif? a
blinking eyeball? get my drift. I dunno, I guess I'll put that
question out there for the list...

How many prefer image maps?

How many prefer slicing and dicing?


At 11:13 AM 4/28/00 -0500, Rayne Alburquerque wrote:
>I may not have made myself clear. I'm taking the accessibilty class and we
>have to turn images off. On an image map, the alt text for the links don't
>show up if the images are turned off. Is there any way to have them show up.
>Do I need to break the image?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Rayne Alburquerque <rayneal(at)>
>To: HGW-Basics <hwg-basics(at)>
>Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 9:36 PM
>Subject: alt tags in image maps
>I have a question. How is text represented in the links of an image map. I
>used the regular alt attribute for each link in my image map, but the only
>text that shows up is is the main image text.
>Can anyone explain this? Where I am talking about is:

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