Re: html vs. WYSIWYG

by "Captain F.M. O'Lary" <ctfuzzy(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 27 Jun 2000 21:30:06 -0400
 To:  Keith(at),
Robin Wilkes <robinwilkes(at)>
 Cc:  hwg-basics(at), wdg(at)
 References:  yahoo
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 07:43 PM 6/27/00 -0400, Keith D Sellars wrote:
I think you have hit it right on the dot Keith.

As most of the folks out there know, I'm a little fanatical about *valid*
HTML. I think the only thing I preach louder might be:

Know thy Audience - FIRST.

Anyway, to the point> Accessibility, Stability, Content.

As long as those items are properly addressed, it doesn't matter how you
accomplish them (notepad or HotDog Pro). The underlying problem is that
those who choose to "learn the application" instead of "learn the language
(HTML)" never know 1/2 of what they are doing wrong because they don't know
it is wrong. For example, if you are publishing for a public library, you
don't use flash!, If you are publishing for Wing Commander Computer Games
Co, INC. you *better* use Flash and any other bell you can find with your
whistle - but don't expect John Q. Public to stick around your site more
than a nanosecond !

Back on track . . For a while they don't know about the "issues" with
WUSIWUG. I think a good number of the folks on this list get here because
something they thought should work, didn't.

I'll bet that even the most die-hard WUSIWUG editor user on this list
*knows* (now) that there is more to this HTML stuff than their software
vendor told them. What you and I and every other wog on this list that has
"been around the block" have to do, is speak up and make the answer public
- right here on this list. Try to answer inquiries with the "most stable
and reliable" answer we can find for them.

Oh, and keep preaching: HTML and Validators *Rule*.

<stepping off his soap box while saluting the flag of the W3>

Keith Wrote:
>I basically agree with your philosophy.  I used DreamWeaver, not because
>I don't understand HTML code (I understand it very well and could write
>them by hand if need be).  The reason I do it IS for the speed.  I also
>have the ability, though, to go in and manually edit the code (which I
>often do) to compensate for the WYSIWYG limitations.  I first learned
>html code and then progressed to DreamWeaver.
>I do not view anyone as any less professional because they use tools
>that make life easier UNLESS they do not understand the basics behind
>what they are doing.
[ . . .]
Captain F.M. O'Lary
Member of the HTML Writers Guild and 
International Webmasters Association

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