Re: Image Stealing

by "Mike O'Lary" <ctfuzzy(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 20 Sep 2000 11:28:54 -0400
 To:  "Ciril A. Prasaleff" <Ciril_Presley(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  localhost
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 07:07 PM 9/20/00 +0400, Ciril A. Prasaleff wrote:
>Why are you tryin' to insult me, my friends and my culture?

I didn't. I asked a question - that is all.

>I said that some of my friends are usin' this method to <B>design
>HTML-pages</B> but I didn't say that they are usin' one to <B>steal</B>
>something from the Web! All they're doin' is movin' the browser window to
>the graphics editor to test some of their <B>own</B> design ideas
>correspondin' to their pages. 

Oh. I get it. They are stealing the images (and content, I assume) to
create pages but they are not putting those pages on the Internet when they
are done. Now, this I can understand. You see we have this moron named
"Clinton" here in the US. He stood up in front of the whole country and
told them he "smoked Marijuana - but didn't inhale" and fully expected
people to believe that shit. I guess you have the same right to assume our
gross stupidity.

>And all I wanted to say in my message was that
>noone image on the Web can be protect. 

And you did. Very effectively. You certainly have *me* convinced that you
are speaking from a position of knowledge based on experience.

>If you wanna to know I'm workin' on
>my own site now and there is only one image that "stolen" from the Web -
>it's HWG logo.

Wow. Do I understand correctly that you are proud of the fact that you
wrote a page that only contains only ONE stolen image ? This is something
special I assume. So . . . congratulations Ciril ! 

Trust me, if you keep practicing you may be able to someday write a ~ whole
page ~ that does not contain something stolen.

>So don't you want to apologize?


But I do want to thank you. You have provided me the motivation I needed to
install much needed IP blocking filter updates on my web servers.


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