Re: JavaScript

by "Captain F.M. O'Lary" <ctfuzzy(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 28 Sep 2000 17:06:08 -0400
 To:  "Susan Kemp" <SusanKemp(at)>,
 References:  canopy
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 03:15 PM 9/28/00 -0400, Susan Kemp wrote:
>My biggest point of confusion is what exactly does JavaScript do that is
>different from HTML in terms of how it can make a webpage look?


This is a BIG question !!

Very, very briefly:

JavaScript is a scripting language that can do anything from making a
graphic fly across a page diagonally to quickly and  - totally - wiping out
a viewers operating system.

Heck you could even scavenge and retrieve a list of ALL the software on a
viewers computer and harvest the application's serial numbers without the
page's viewer even being aware it was happening (ask Bill Gates about that

Make no mistake, because of it's power it is a very, very dangerous
language in the hands of a malicious or inexperienced coder !!!!

JavaScript tutorials abound on the web, I'm sure the folks here have a
myriad of bookmarks on the topic they will be happy to share. However, in
honestly, they are *just like* the tutorials on HTML - some are exceptional
- some are pure poison.

Captain F.M. O'Lary
FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION.  It comes bundled with the software.

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