Re: Graphic won't line up in Netscape

by "Captain F.M. O'Lary" <ctfuzzy(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 05 Nov 2000 23:26:13 -0500
 To:  Barbara Money <bmoney(at)>,
"hwg-basics(at)" <hwg-basics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  brainiac
  todo: View Thread, Original
uuummmm . . . this really isn't in any reference text somewhere like most
of my answers are . . . but from hard fought experience I can tell you that
NN is *really* particular about the placement of both the ending TD and the
next beginning TD as well. You can spread those TR's all over creation, but
no sir, not those TD's. It has been a known issue with NN back to the first
version that supported tables (who remembers that piece of web trivia?).

It doesn't like *any* space between them at all. Trust me on this one, I
know it's a pain, but if you'll butt those two tags up back to back your
life will suddenly improve. You will become rich and famous, you'll get a
new car, a vacation in the Caribbean - and best of all - NN will love you
for it.


At 10:41 AM 11/5/00 -0500, Barbara Money wrote:
>I just read in WebTechniques that the closing td tag needs to be ont he
>same line as the last item in the cell. Someone else wrote in and said
>to put a line break tag after the last item, so the closing td tag could
>go on its own line.
>Hope this helps,
>Barbara Money
>The Essential Image
Captain F.M. O'Lary
If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?

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