RE: webmastertimetable

by "Captain F.M. O'Lary" <ctfuzzy(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 14 Jan 2002 18:09:34 -0500
 To:  <trumley(at)>,
"HWG Basics" <hwg-basics(at)>,
"Ineke van der Maat" <inekemaa(at)>
 References:  xs4all
  todo: View Thread, Original

I am currently sitting in downtown Minneapolis Minnesota.

The best (dialup) connection I have gotten in the last two weeks is 26400 .
. . on a 56k modem.

Having cable modem connectivity at home, this has been a real eye opener


At 05:27 PM 1/14/2002 -0800, Thomas Rumley wrote:
>Hi Ineke;
>Sorry to tell you this but generally the time goal to download a web site is
>4 seconds! That 4 seconds isn't based on a specific transfer rate but on a
>normal visitor's tolerance for waiting. The four seconds doesn't mean the
>entire site has to download but that *something* has to be displayed to grab
>the visitor's attention.
>Unfortunately, this 4 seconds doesn't take into account whether your visitor
>has a 128k cable modem or a 14.4 dial-up. Many people now use a 56k modem
>for dial up but I've heard of a lot of people who are still using 28.8
>because they are in a barely-connected out of the way area. If you figure
>you're visitors modem as 28.8 you can probably be sure that your download
>schedule to be fairly reliable. 28.8 x 4 would by 116.2K for you to design
>with. So images are in your page are quite alright; but, make sure that
>there is some text available to distract your visitors with. You definitely
>don't want to lose a potential customer because they hit the back button
>after waiting to long for your images. :-)
>Tom Rumley
>  mailto:trumley(at)
>    "Curiosity is a survival trait."
>--- original text  ----
>Does anybody know a webmastertimetable  for downloadtime of files?
>I read that 9 seconds has to be the slowest time for modementrance? But what
>modem is meant?
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