RE: topmargin/leftmargin validation

by "Captain F.M. O'Lary" <ctfuzzy(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 05 Feb 2004 13:10:34 -0500
 To:  Dennis Lapcewich <dlapcewich(at)>,
 Cc:  "'jtpolk(at)'" <jtpolk(at)>, "Captain F.M. O'Lary" <ctfuzzy(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

I am *personally* familiar with the local school district's technology -
too familiar.

I can tell you unequivocally that upwards of 85 % of the computers in this
district do not use MSIE ~at all~.

Something on the order of 65-70% of those, are running NN3.X OR LOWER.

The big exception being district administrative offices where the wouldn't
know a mouse from a moose if it fell on them. They are using MSIE 5.X and
Ouchlook Express.

Again, FWIW.
<Like Ted Sez: Know Thy Audience.>

At 11:56 AM 2/5/01 -0600, Dennis Lapcewich wrote:
>-- snip --
>> This basically ignores a real problem. 20 percent of the
>> market uses Netscape 4.x browsers. If you need to remove
>> the browser canvas margins for this browser as well as the
>> other majors out there, the only way to do it currently is
>> to use proprietary code, specific to Netscape.
>-- snip --
>I'm only going to take a nit pick poke at this statistic because it's not
>quite accurate.  It would better to say, "Of those sites open to public
>statistical surveys, only 20 percent of those sites report hits from
>Netscape."  It's similar to the TV commercial, "nine out of ten dentists
>recommend xxx for their patients who chew gum ..."
>There are substantial numbers of locations, just within the US, which do not
>use IE for a variety of reasons, notably security issues.  As to specifics,
>sources tell me on the order of eight-digit numbers using NN and not IE.
>I'm sure if those statistics were added to published figures, the "20
>percent of those sites report hits from Netscape," would be substantially
Captain F.M. O'Lary
If we're not supposed to eat late-night snacks, why is there a light in the

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