Re: Dreamweaver Class....

by Sandy Fields <sandy(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 02 Jan 2000 13:50:55 -0500
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
 References:  home
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 09:43 AM 1/2/2000 -0800, you wrote:

>Here is a real beginner's question for you: I want to take the Dreamweaver
>class beginner this Tuesday but, in the requirement field, it states that
>you must have previously taken the HTML course.  My question is: just how
>important is it to take the HTML course before Dreamweaver?

In the online class guidelines at the site, it states:

"Be sure you meet any skills prerequisites - Introductory courses are
intended for students with little to no experience in the subject matter.
If a course requires competence or mastery of a subject, that means you
should be able to perform those skills with minimal assistance or use of
reference tools (could you successfully pass a test on that skill?)."

I understand this to mean that in order to take the Dreamweaver class that
you want, you should have already taken the HTML class *or* have equivalent
HTML skill/experience.  

So... if you already have beginner to intermediate HTML skills, you should
go ahead and sign up for the Dreamweaver class, but this is only *my*

A more appropriate way to get the answer to your question would be to
contact the Guild at classes(at) and ask them.  

Sandy Fields
Sannicron Web Design

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