Re: Need some h-elp, please

by Chuck & Karen <ckcs(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 11 Feb 2000 19:25:29 -0500
 To:  jim(at),
 In-Reply-To:  jim
  todo: View Thread, Original
It's after 7 pm on a Friday after a rather tough week, so I don't know how
fresh my eyes are.  I've done lots of work with somewhat complex tables
(using mouseovers) and I suspect the problem you're describing might be
because the total height of the <td>'s containing the buttons differs from
the corresponding <td> on the right of that column.  I think the button
<td>'s are stretching within the table to match the height.  I'm not sure
why you've made your table so complex, I almost suspect it was generated by
a wysiwyg or something, there are a lot of empty <td>'s and none of the
heights of the cells matches the content.  I have somewhat similar layouts at:  <---still a work in progress for a

Take a look at the coding, and maybe think about simplifying your code, it
makes bugs/glitches easier to find.  It's also helpful to draw out a table
on paper first, and when coding, set the border at 1 or 2 just so you can
see where things are ending up.

I hope this helps,

Karen :o)

At 03:44 PM 2/10/2000 -0700, Jim H wrote:
>Thanks for opening this message:
>I need a fresh pair of eyes to look at my code at: 
>This site looks the way the client wants in Netscape 4.5 and 4.7, 
>however, the button bar on the left has gaps between them in IE5.
>(Client doesn't want gaps)
>I've looked and looked, you know how that goes. Soon my eyes go 
>crossed and I can't seem to find the problem. Perhaps a fresh pair 
>of eyes can find the glitch. 
>Thank you for your time!
>James Haslam
>Active Member of:
>The HTML Writers Guild
>International Webmasters Association

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