Re: Validation Issues....

by Michelle Chabot <mlchabot(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 31 Mar 2000 22:41:15 -0500
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
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I know others will bring up more high-brow reasons to validate, but
here's a good selfish reason:

I just validated a site for the first time. I used to think like 
you: "Who cares, as long as it works?" ...And I was chicken. I didn't 
think I'd be able to do it. 

Then I got *this* client. This client is a little bit difficult.
He doesn't know how to use his browser all that well. And doesn't
really know how to use his computer at all. He really is the 
nicest guy, he just doesn't know these things. 

So, When he couldn't print the pages on his site, he was convinced 
that there was something wrong with my code. Of course, he 
couldn't print any other pages on the net, either. And he
couldn't print the pages when they were converted to text files.
But his opinion remained.

My answer? I just validated each and every one of those darn pages. And
*now* I can say with supreme confidence, and the W3C to back me up,
that there is absolutely not one little thing wrong with my code.

>From now on, I'm doing this every single time I write a page. I feel


At 08:10 PM 03/31/2000 -0600, Rayne Alburquerque wrote:
>I like your view, Josh. It makes perfect sense. Why fret about it, as long
>as the pages work for the audience.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: stephen.woodhead
>Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 7:37 PM
>Subject: Re: Validation Issues....
>> I was wondering if anyone here could assist me with a validation
>> problem.
>> I have a page that validated the last time I checked it.  I'm in the
>> process of switching over to style sheets, and I decided to do an
>> initial validation to see if I had removed all the FONT shrapnel and
>> the like.  Well, my page doesn't validate, for a completely different
>reason than I thought it would - my JavaScript code is boring it
>> where it didn't before.
>Dear Jen,
>I have a site which works on IE and NN right down to versions 1.0 and 1.1
>(I've tested it), which covers about 99.5% of browsers,
>but It fails validation on over 150 lines! in fact Allaire's Home Site gave
>up checking because of the number of validation violations.
>My point is .........Who gives a damn !
>If it works on the number and types of browsers you want it to work on then
>that's it, you have achieved what you set out to achieve.
>There is a quote and I can't remember who it is by, but goes something like
>this ...............
>"Rules and regulations are for the abeyance of idiots and the guidance of
>wise men/women".
>If it works, don't worry about it, your better off spending time on
>something that really matters.
>Please note, this is only a personal view, although I would like to know how
>the rest of the list think about it.
>Josh :0)
Michelle Chabot
Full Website and Internet Marketing Solutions
(978) 462-8450

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