Re: Problem with HREF tag

by ErthWlkr(at)

 Date:  Fri, 28 Jul 2000 22:36:14 EDT
 To:  michelcote(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Michel:

I saw the problem you mentioned but only on the  '=C9tape 4 de 4' page. When=
you place the cursor over the section with the employees email addresses, on=
the first three only the ".com" causes the cursor to change - the last one i=
the list appears ok.=20

I'm not an expert programmer - but I did notice that your javascript was not=
in between the <.HEAD> <./HEAD> tags.  Not sure if this is contributing to=20
the problem but have a look.

I also noticed that you aren't closing the <.A HREF> tags for the links that=
are under the banner at the top (mission, notre equipe, etc.)

The <.spacer> tags I believe are only Netscape although from what I read, IE=
should ignore them.

There are also other attributes I don't recognize - i.e "cool" inside the=20
<.TABLE> tags - could be just a lack of experience on my part.

Hope this helps a bit....learned a few things looking...thanks for the=20

- Jeff Kopito

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