HTML Include

by Ron Jeffries <ronjeffries(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 14 Aug 1999 21:17:19 -0400
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
FrontPage 98 has a feature called HTML Include that allows you to point a
"bot" to a separate HTML page (of your own) and have it show up on the page
you're editing. 

It appears that how this works is that it actually copies the HTML into the
receiving page, and writes a note to itself to keep track of edits and
update them.

This is still somewhat useful, in that it reduces the complexity of the
page from the developer's viewpoint, and leaves the base page there to be
used elsewhere. I could imagine using the same source page in a frame and
non-frame version of a site, for example. But the pages get kind of big and
clunky, and are hard to edit in a straight editor, as they have all this
include stuff in them.

Is there a viable technique with scripts or something to have the include
actually be done at the time the page is displayed, instead of when it's
saved (as it is in FrontPage)?



Ron Jeffries                     
Extreme Programming Training and Consultation
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