Re: overlapping

by Ron Jeffries <ronjeffries(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 22 Aug 1999 07:57:01 -0400
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
This isn't quite guaranteed, as I am but an egg. But I'm pretty sure it'll
work. And there's some chance I'm completely wrong.

As you know, your background is 705 or whatever pixels wide and a few high,
and it is tiling.

What's happening is that as people's windows are wider or narrower (as they
can be on different sized monitors, or just because they drag them around),
the window slides over more or less of the background. You have the
background set up so that it just shows double on monitors and resolutions
you've looked at, and it looks cool.

The big image, or your text, is centered on the window: that's what
centered means, for better or worse. So if you can get a big enough window,
the image slides around over the windows. You can see the same effect by
making your window narrower, even on a low-res setup.

OK, the fix. One would be to make a three-column table, narrow, wide, narrow:

   |  |        |  |
   |  |        |  |

Put just the window part of the little graphic as background INSIDE each of
the narrows. Put everything else in the center, centered. 

If you make the table width about 100% the windows will slide in and out as
the user widens and narrows her windows. If you make the table width fixed,
she'll get whitespace to the right of the reight-hand column, i.e. the
width will stay fixed, and the page will stay the same on all monitors.

Now: done this way, you are stuck with the standard margin around
everything, which varies by browser as you probably know. The table
background won't quite come to the left (or right) margin. As far as i
know, there's no way today to completely eliminate that problem. I think if
you fiddle with the column sizes on the fixed table, you can ensure that
the narrow columns keep you out of the windows on all browsers.

Which way you pick is up to you. I think I'd go with the variable one, as
it will keep the windows always at the margins.

I guess that when you can, you need to try to get a higher-res monitor.
Bummer, they're expensive.


At 10:43 AM 8/21/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I'm working on a site located at
>The problem I'm having is this:  it looks fine on my 15" monitor, but a
>friend has a 17" and says that the text is centred on the screen rather
>than between the borders.  The text overlaps onto the right-hand border.
>Can anyone tell me how I can fix this problem?  I like having the border on
>both sides of the screen, to reflect the window shade theme, so I don't
>really want to change that if I don't have to.

Ron Jeffries                     
Extreme Programming Training and Consultation
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