Re: FrontPage built vs HomeSite update

by "Robert H. Taylor" <rhtaylor(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 23 Nov 2000 00:15:37 -0800
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
 In-Reply-To:  aol
  todo: View Thread, Original
I've created and maintain an intranet site with FrontPage, and although not
necessarily my tool of choice, I've found it to work well when used properly.

>From what you've said, my guess is that the site you're considering was
developed to be managed specifically through FrontPage and take advantage
of the FrontPage Server Extensions. (Although this isn't necessarily the
case, the only instances I've seen where it isn't are with some small
personal web sites.) Attempting to mix-and-match in a situation like this,
in my experience, can lead to critical problems. This in turn can lead to a
very unhappy client.

Before jumping into a project like this, or even doing a quote on it, I'd
want to know such things as whether they'd even consider someone without
FrontPage experience, and if so, what the nature of the changes are and how
the files are to be uploaded to the site.

Bear in mind that a key phrase in your post is that your potential client
is "looking for someone to use FrontPage." On the one hand, I found
FrontPage relatively easy to learn, and you might well find it, as I have,
a useful addition to one's tool chest. On the other hand, you might decide
to focus your energies elsewhere.

Best wishes,

At 06:46 PM 11/22/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Friends:
>I've been given an opportunity to quote on updating a site that was built 
>entirely in FrontPage.  They are looking for someone to use FrontPage to do 
>the work as well as create a new area.
>Specifically, it sounds like a catalog-type site with roughly 300 pages. The 
>new area to be created will be roughly 40 pages. There is also a search 
>engine on the site.
>I've asked several people if I could do the updating using HomeSite rather 
>than using FrontPage since I have no experience in FP.  I've gotten back 
>conflicting responses that range from "no problem" to "I wouldn't touch that 
>with a ten foot piece of lumber..."
>Can the group here render an opinion?  Is this a can of worms I should stay 
>away from since there might be proprietary extensions to worry about?
>As always, thanks for any guidance and advice....  :-)
>- Jeff K.

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