
by Jim <webmaster(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 28 Mar 2000 16:36:16 -0800
 To:  Leopoldo Willik <munchhausen(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  yahoo
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 11:36 AM 3/28/00 , Leopoldo Willik tickled the electrons and they 
aligned themselves to form these words:
>Hi List,
>I've just finished my company site using Arachnophilia 4.0. I view it in
>IE 5.0 and it looks good. In Netscape 4.6.1 my layout goes to pot and now
>I'll have to correct this so it'll look reasonably the same in both
>browsers. I was anal in my coding and thought I was ahead of the game, but
>apparently not.

You've added topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" to your body tag. You need to 
include marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" as well.

NS will not fill the space normally occupied by the vertical scroll bar if 
there isn't enough page content to require scrolling. One fix is to include 
height="100%" to the table tag to force NS to display a scroll bar.

>Q1. Does there exist, a definitive list describing IE and NN discrepancies
>in reading/deciphering HTML code.

Not aware of one.

>Q2. I know its out there, but where?... A Javascript that identifies the
>browser and directs the visitor accordingly.


>Q3.How do I get around this problem in the future?. Do I automatically
>code for each individual browser and place the Javascript on the splash
>page or is there a simpler way?

A couple of suggestions:
1) Always validate your code. Spaces in tags trip NS up sometimes.
2) Design for NS. Once *that* works you can "spiff it up" for IE without 
causing undue strain for NS.
3) Use CSS to make #2 easier.



Jim Parsons
phone: (509) 521-5424
fax: (603) 288-0200

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