Re: Off the Wall (and Page) Tables

by Jim <webmaster(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 14 Sep 2000 07:15:06 -0700
 To:  "Villano,
Paul" <VillanoP(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 04:33 AM 9/14/00 , Villano, Paul tickled the electrons and they aligned 
themselves to form these words:

Try something like this instead:
><TABLE width="75%" border="0">
><TD width="100" height="182"><B>Kiddush Cup</B></TD>
><TD width="100%" height="182">A cup used during a Jewish service to
>hold wine.</TD>
><TD width="239" height="182"><IMG src="kidcup.jpg" width="75"
>height="145" alt="Kiddush Cup"></TD>

You might have to adjust the width of the left column because @640x480 a 
75% table only leaves 141 for the center column. Could be you'll want to 
make the table wider. Depends on how you want it all to look.


Jim Parsons
phone: (509) 521-5424
fax: (603) 288-0200

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