NavBar misbehaving

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 18 Sep 2000 12:12:04 -0500
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi all,

What is going on?? NN 4.5 is doing some really strange stuff (no, I don't 
want to hear about how rotten NN is)


I picked up a dHTML sliding nav script for the left hand side which is not 
compatible with pre-4.0 browsers.

So, I added a straight text link menu at the bottom.

It is apparently working in IE, but NN 4.5 has changed the <.a href> tags 
to <.A href> which really doesn't matter except I didn't do it.

AND all the links are off one. The process link is on the left with no 
text, but process serving is linking to self defense (the next link to the 

Is it just some weird computer day? Or, is there some reason why NN would 
be rewriting my code??

If you have any thoughts, ideas or impressions, perhaps you could share?

Thank you!

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