Re: Updating Web pages from the browser

by Christopher Higgs <c.higgs(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 08 Nov 2000 14:05:29 +1100
 To:  Chris Baxter <cbaxt(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  vafb
  todo: View Thread, Original
G'Day Chris

At 11:11 6/11/00 -0500, Chris Baxter wrote:
>How can I design a Web page so that another coworker (who knows nothing
>about Web authoring) can update the information from her browser? I know
>this is possible. I would like to search for tutorials on the Web, but I
>don't know what term to use. Can someone please give me some direction?

This depends on the type of pages you wish to develop.

What you basically need is a database entry which accepts form fields.  The 
database could be as simple as a flat textfile.  However, the degree of 
variation that is permitted to the user is extremely limited.  They cannot 
go outside the boundaries of what you set them.  This definitely includes 
the abillity to server-parse the fields.

Alternatively, the forms could access CGI scripts to rewrite the pages.

In some cases I'd recommend installation of Dreamweaver (WYSIWYG editor) 
and the use of templates that enforce a template.  This carries a greater 
"learning curve" for the user, but allows for greater flexibility.

Chris Higgs <c.higgs(at)>
Institute of Land and Food Resources
University of Melbourne

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