Re: My turn to ask silly questions

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 30 Nov 2000 11:36:13 -0600
 To:  "IceWolf" <icewolf(at)>,
"html list" <hwg-basics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  ibm
  todo: View Thread, Original

I can handle these two --

At 11:20 AM 11/30/00 -0500, IceWolf wrote:
>Another question: why are jpgs better than bmps or gifs?

jpgs are better for photographic images on the web because of the way they 
handle color. If you have a clip art type of image, then gifs are better.

Jpgs are nice since they also allow for compression (if you look in your 
image editor, you should see something that allows you to set the 
compression percentages) which makes for a smaller image file and faster 

Bmps are huge files and take forever and a millenium to download (o.k., a 
bit of an exaggeration, but it does take a very long time).

When I do images for the web from an original image and/or photo, I scan 
and save as a bmp (I know there are also other high quality formats, but 
that's what I'm used to using) and then throw the bmp on a floppy disk. I 
then save the image again as a jpg. After a while, jpgs will lose their 
quality and that's when I dig out the original bmp on a floppy. It doesn't 
happen very often, but for image quality, this has worked for me.

>Yet another question: is it better to resize an image with a graphics
>program, or change the size with the HTML code?

Again, for the sake of speed -- web surfers have a short attention span 
according to the research and studies -- resize the image in your graphics 
program. Otherwise, you are making the viewer's browser read the image and 
then adjust the image to fit the allowed space. This will slow the download 
speed on the viewer's end.

BTW -- I have yet to see any questions on this list that are *silly* -- 
this is the basics list and I have always received absolutely excellent 
advice, tips, techniques and resources from everyone here. Never have I 
been told my question is silly (even if sometimes, I think they're just 
being polite)


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