Re: mouseovers

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 30 Nov 2000 12:10:47 -0600
 To:  shawn(at),
html list <hwg-basics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  sportsstuff
  todo: View Thread, Original

Best darn mouseover script on earth (IMO) 
then scroll the left-hand navigation.

Plus, Peter-Paul is a Guild member and was extremely helpful in getting it 
to work for me which was in and of itself a major feat since I am basically 

I don't actually have an example of the third mouseover image (thisPage is 
what I called it) since I got busy with some other stuff, but it does work, 
I had it up in a preview area and PPK really saved me from buying a wig 
over the three images for mouseover effects.


At 11:07 AM 11/30/00 -0600, Shawn Sass wrote:
>Hello again,
>I'm working on some nav buttons that use javascript for a
>different mouseover image, a different onclick image, and
>the image for mouseout.  They work fine in NN4.7 but in IE
>when I click on the button, the ONCLICK image replaces the
>button and the new page loads.  Then if I use the browser's
>BACK button to return to that page, the ONCLICK image is
>there instead of the mouseout image.  I don't know
>javascript too well so could someone please take a look at
>the code and see why my mouseout image isn't there.  I've
>tried using onMouseDown instead of onClick but both have the
>same problem.
>The URL is
>-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
>       _________________
>      _\ |-| /\ \/\/ /\/
>o-o Shawn Sass-Graphic Artist
>o-o-o-o-o-o-o Sportsstuff Inc
>o-o-o- 1-888-814-8833 ext 241

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