Re: WS_FTP squished my page

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 07 Dec 2000 18:39:49 -0600
 To:  sugarcrisp53(at) (PRP),
 In-Reply-To:  webtv
  todo: View Thread, Original

Can't help on the WebTV, but try downloading the file and looking at the 
code (download to a new location so it doesn't overwrite the original -- I 
know, duh, but I've done it :-))

I also use WS_FTP and sometimes, things just happen.

So, I delete the file and upload again.

Also, did you upload the html file as ascii?? Sometimes WS_FTP doesn't 
always default and will upload in binary.

Good luck,

At 06:07 PM 12/7/00 -0500, PRP wrote:

>I use either when editing long webpages with long text. Most of the time
>I very little trouble editing pages on FP or Composer, although I like
>the former much better.
>But here's the problem. When I loaded my pages to my geocities site via
>WS_FTP I noticed that the finished product lost some formatting. Words
>are squished together. Where there was spacing between letters, there is
>none now. What do I do? Go into geocities file manager and correct the
>spacing errors? Odd, but it doesn't look that way on the original I've
>stored on floppy. BTW, I do use webtv to view my pages; could that have
>something to do with it? Last time this happened I did nothing but
>viewed the pages again with NN 4.5 and IE 4. Pages were fine with no
>So is it a case of old FTP program, mixing HTML editors, or just a webtv

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