Re: Books or magazines

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 09 Feb 2001 08:12:59 -0600
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  mindspring
  todo: View Thread, Original
Just a word of caution when buying books -- use the library first. If your 
local library doesn't have it, ask for interlibrary loan -- I believe this 
is available throughout the United States.

When you run across books that really strike a chord, then buy them. I've 
got plenty of $30-50 doorstops that either sounded good in the reviews, 
looked o.k. during a quick trip to the bookstore or just plain went 

Some fundamentals do not go out of date, but as you learn, your needs will 
change -- test drive the books first.


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