Re: Graphic Gallery Sites

by Virginia Blalock <virginia(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 09 Dec 1999 02:06:36 -0600
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
 References:  visionsnet
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 01:32 AM 12/9/99 , Tamara wrote:

>One of my favorites is:
>Through her site you can also go to the digital divas and all of their sites.

Yes, she is quite good and I am a fan of the Digital Divas collective work.

I am afraid though, that I did not explain this very well. Since my mother 
is looking for graphics works of a wider nature, I was looking beyond the 
sites that have web graphics. I can find a ton of sites which offer web 
graphics, sets, etc and will be looking at those. However, I also would 
like to look at sites which showcase digital and print art work. The 
purpose of  my mother's site will be to showcase her work for the purpose 
of finding jobs either freelance or working for a company.

I am looking for sites more along the lines of a professional graphics 
portfolio site.
Virginia's Visions

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