Re: bordercolor?

by "Smokin' Dave" <smokindave(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 20 Jun 2000 14:06:07 -0500
 To:  sugarcrisp53(at),
 In-Reply-To:  webtv
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 06:34 PM 6/19/00 -0500, sugarcrisp53(at) wrote:

>Isn't there an attribute that makes a colored border around an image? I
>want a dark colored border, about 4 to 6 pixels wide. Sort of a picture
>frame. I know I can do a table as frames but I understand "bordercolor"
>is  exclusive of IE and is generally not used.
>Thanks for helping out.

You can probably do this with CSS, but if you want to make sure the borders 
(and the specified colors) show on all browsers, it might be worthwhile to 
just open your image editor and manually add borders. Worked for me. Now, 
as long as the user's browser displays images, I won't have to worry about 
borders not rendering properly or not rendering at all.

Smokin' Dave's Taxicab Diaries
        --World Tour 2000--

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