Re: how to set up a listserv?

by Matt <ncmail(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 22 Aug 2003 22:16:24 -0400
 To:  hwg-basics <hwg-basics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  sprint
  todo: View Thread, Original
You might want to check this out.

The lite version.

And there is a lite free version - if you qualify.

Hope that helps,


At 06:24 PM 8/22/03 -0400, Margreta Carr wrote:
>Hi Everyone,
>I have no experience at all setting up a listgroup and I'm hoping there
>might be a simple program that can be configured for it.  I can't use one of
>the online services (such as topica) because one of the groups I need to set
>up is for a group of advisors for an organisation, so it has to be
>completely offline. All I need is a basic program that will operate like
>this list, it does not require html or attachments or polls or any of the
>many things being incorporated now.
>I asked my ISP and they said they're looking into offering this, but it took
>them eight months just to fix the problems with the webmail, so I can't
>count on them. If anyone can suggest a starting point to do this I'd really
>appreciate it, thanks.

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