Re: newsletters

by Elias Thienpont <elias(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 28 Jun 2000 19:02:43 -0600
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
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About Newsletters.

Assumption Abbey publishes a quarterly newsletter, our press run is about 
15,000, the post office is happy to handle the distribution.
Fr. Terrence composes his text in Word 97, puts it on a disk and sends it 
down to the press (which runs a 386 box) and the layout of the newsletter 
is executed with Compugraphic (If you do not know,,, do not ask,,, but it 
does run on a 386, and seems to be the digital equivlent of a hand held 
composing stick.)

Then I get the disks and the photos, which I scan, and I create an HTML 
page (or three) for posting on our web site. (The link is on my signature, 
click on "Newsletter".) I think (stretch pat pat) that it works pretty 
well. You *could* even print it out on your printer.

I have seen some newsletters rendered in PDF, and I believe people will 
tolerate a longer download time for a PDF document, and I assumed that you 
just scanned in the original, and perhaps doing so will make a smaller file 
than importing a file, and this particular site (which shall remain 
nameless) also gave the option of reading the newsletter as a GIF, and then 
everyone here asked me how they could enlarge the newsletter in their 
browser. I took one look at it and told them "no... that is what it is and 
you cannot change it. Well I did not suggest changing their monitor 
resolution to 600, why cause trouble.
Br. Elias Thienpont OSB

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