Re: hwg-basics-digest V1 #708

by Jackie Morris <jackie(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 01 Jul 2000 00:56:41 -0700
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 06:22 PM 6/30/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Is there a Forms processing script that is pre made
>or can be made to return the form data to me in the form of comma
>deliminated text so that another person in my office can import it into
>the access database?

Hi Shawn,

I had just such a problem to solve a few weeks ago, posed the question to 
this list and got the answer, but through private e-mail, so I'll share it 
with you.  There is a great web site,
that has lots of free goodies, including free cgi scripts.  Their form 
processing script will write a delineated text file on your server just as 
you want.  I've been using it on my Bears-Direct site very 
successfully.  This is a new directory site, and I needed to list a couple 
hundred people all at once, in several different categories.   This thing 
did the trick and saved me having to type up all those listings!  It also 
e-mails me a copy of each listing so I was able to send a follow up letter 
to everyone.  Alternatively, it will send a canned message to the sender, 
but I prefer to do this through Eudora.  Access handled all the 
categorizing and even spit out html tables to put on the pages.  Works great.

Jackie Morris
"A Great Bear is More than Just a Pretty Face"
"Your most reliable source for artist bears on the internet"

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