Messy code and a Netscape thing

by Julie <one.jewel(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 24 Mar 2001 14:40:13 -0500
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

Go here: and take a look at the 
source, please.  How can I clean this up and also make it display in NN4.76 
approximately as it does in IE5.5?  I received this project and this 
particular layout isn't what will be used eventually (In a hurry, I chose a 
pre-made theme that caught my fancy and didn't bother to look closely at 
the code) but I have to solve this and my eyes are going wonky.  It's 
purely academic as I have no intention of being so un-validating in a 
finished product.  Of course, it may validate perfectly well and surprise 
me!  I won't hold my breath.

Note:  I had originally fixed it to display, but another person changed it 
and broke the performance in NN but I don't know how.  Of course, there was 
no back up!  Bad me.


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