Re: Request for Graphics Program Recommendation

by Virginia Blalock <virginia(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 25 Apr 2002 22:21:03 -0500
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
 In-Reply-To:  mac
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 07:57 PM 4/25/02 -0500, D. J. Bostock wrote:

>Greetings all,
>I'm requesting recommendations for a program that I can use for editing 
>graphic images such as .jpg and .gif photos.  Recommendations for an image 
>creation suite would be appreciated as well.  I'd prefer freeware if at 
>all possible as I'm a poor hobbyist considering seeking training as a 
>professional and not yet a professional by any means.

I am not sure there are many free ones that are that robust. I know the 
Gimp is free but don't recall if they have a Windows version(and it is a 
good program). Paint Shop Pro and PhotoImpact are good program and are 
about $100 or so.  
virginia(at)                virginia(at)

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