Re: css and hovering

by Tamara <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 23 May 2001 12:51:57 -0500
 To:  "Ted Temer" <temer(at)>,
"HWGBASICS" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  jonric
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 09:14 AM 5/23/2001 -0700, Ted Temer wrote:
>But--as I said--there may be better ways to do this ???

There are better ways, but it's usually a matter of personal preference. 
First, with positioning, yeah, be careful, be very careful.

Second, about your multiple style sheets, why? That's just a ton of work. I 
know you use FP so I don't know if you can, or would even want to try this, 
but Bradbury's TopStyle Lite is an amazing little program that would 
probably do some serious CSS condensing for you.

I have some rather large (probably too large) CSS files, but then I don't 
trust NN's so-called *inheritance* either, so I rewrite every single class 
and declaration when I want some minor changes.

So, you want navigation links a certain way?

a.nav:link {style}

Regular body text links? {style}
a.visited {style}

And, oh, how about a footer too?

a.foot:link {style}
a.foot:visited {style}

Now, how about tables?

.blue {style set for blue cells}
.green{style for green}

later on in the body text, use a class="nav" href="something.html".

Stick it in a table with table class="blue" and for netscape, td 
class="blue" -- Netscape doesn't necessarily *inherit* the table class to 
the cells and it's also a bit sticky on lists too.

Starting to get a little lost? I know I was since I don't /always/ 
recognize rgb color values and so forth. So, open topstyle lite 
(  -- I received it with my HomeSite 
purchase) and it gives a little window on just what you've chosen for each 
one. They have a pro version and also a nag-ware Lite version available on 
their site.

I can do style sheets, I've been doing them for a while, so I never 
realized how nice TopStyle really is. I highly recommend it and, no, I 
don't own it or have any financial investment in it, it's just one of those 
lucky discoveries that makes coding life easier.

<tamara />

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