Re: MS FrontPage Restricts Free Speech II (It's True!)

by Kukla Fran and Ollie <weblists2001(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 21 Sep 2001 19:48:58 -0700
 To:  hwg-basics <hwg-basics(at)>
 Cc:  Jay Smith <jay(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  JaySmith
  todo: View Thread, Original
You forgot to post a follow-up comment on Slashdot:

"I hope bin Laden isn't using FrontPage, or he'll *really* be in trouble!!"

At 21:40 2001-09-21 -0400, Jay Smith wrote:
>When this came up a couple days ago,  a couple folks on the list said
>it was not true.
>Since FrontPage is a tool used by some (few?) web developers, this is
>a significant subject for discussion.
>( FROM )
>Posted by CmdrTaco on Friday September 21, @11:34AM
>from the on-and-on-and-on dept.
>A mild controvery occured yesterday in a story claiming Microsoft
>prohibits anti-ms speech if you use Frontpage . Here is a followup
>submitted by Reyacta from the original author:
>"Several readers have told me their EULA for FrontPage 2002 does not
>contain the no-disparaging-MS term, or that the term only applies to
>the FrontPage logo or to the Web components like the MSNBC news
>headline component.
>Just to be sure, this afternoon I went down to the store and bought a
>copy of FrontPage 2002 myself. In the box was the "Microsoft Frontpage
>2002" license on a four-page folded sheet, titled "End- User License
>Agreement For Microsoft Software." Under Section #1, Grant of License,
>the second paragraph headed "Restrictions" states in part: "You may
>not use the Software in connection with any site that disparages
>Microsoft, MSN, MSNBC, Expedia, or their products or services,
>infringe any intellectual property or other rights of these parties,
>violate any state, federal or international law, or promote racism,
>hatred or pornography."
>(Not only a stunning example of legal overreaching, in my opinion, but
>very poor grammar as well.) It appears to me to clearly apply to use
>of the program as a whole and not just the logo or Web components. I
>suspect that there are different versions of the EULA of FrontPage
>2002. Perhaps the license was updated for the most recent SKU, or
>versions obtained through different channels don't yet have it. I'm
>going to try to get Microsoft to clarify where this EULA does and
>doesn't appear, but I'm not sure they will be very anxious to provide
>me with that information. Reply to Ed Foster ."

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