Re: CD - Creation - Websites

by Kukla Fran and Ollie <weblists2001(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 21 Mar 2002 10:13:59 -0800
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
 Cc:  "Carol Parent" <cbwd(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  means
  todo: View Thread, Original
If the web-site-on-a-CD contains programming which requires server 
interactions and the computer using that CD is not set up as a server to 
read the CD *exactly* the way the web site requires it, you have your own 
answer to your own question.

However, if the web-site-on-a-CD contains *no* server interactions and 
*all* links are relative and not absolute, it should work on any compatible 
computer using any browser.

If you have to send this CD to different people on a reoccurring basis 
(which begs the question - why don't they use the Internet like everyone 
else????)  why not just use Adobe Acrobat (full version) and create a PDF 
copy of the web site, put it on the CD and send *that* to them?

It seems to me you are coming up against the law of diminishing returns, 
coupled with individuals who should have Internet access in order to 
accomplish the task.  At some point either they will have to join the rest 
of the wired world, or they will lose out.


At 05:51 AM 3/21/02 -0600, Carol Parent wrote:
>Good morning,
>If a computer is NOT hooked to the internet, can you put a website on a cd
>and expect it to work using things that need a server?
>I know this is a REALLY Dumb question, but I have a very large site that is
>getting larger everyday and am looking for a simpler way of keeping
>track/updating documents.  BUT since the site also has to be put on a cd and
>sent to diff ppl (never knowing what kind of computer/browser/os, etc.) I
>hesitate to use anything but the most basic of code.
>Any comments or suggestions?
>Carol Parent

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