Re: Linking to files on other sites

by "Judith C. Kallos" <hwg-lgmgr(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 30 Aug 2002 13:22:38 -0700
 To:  "Beauford 2002" <beauford.2002(at)>,
"Hwg-Basics" <hwg-basics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  p1
  todo: View Thread, Original
Heya, Beauford:  ;-)

At 10:31 AM 8/31/02, Beauford 2002 wrote:
>This may be a bit OT, but a discussion came up today at work regarding
>linking to files on others websites and I am looking for some input, or
>a somewhere this discussion might be more appropriate.

Not inappropriate really, maybe the Business list but since you're here... ;-)

>The bottom line is that I do not think user 'A' should be able to link
>directly to user 'B's files on his site (without permission to do so).
>If he wants to put a link to go to user 'B's site, then that may be
>fine. I know many sites have a disclaimer about linking files, but what
>is the general feeling and/or netiquette on this.

Hmmmm.... several scenarios here based on what you define as "files":

If someone is linking to any graphics to display on their site from any of 
my servers without permission, I send them a warning and also cc their 
ISP/hosting service citing the DMCA.  That is a no-no - copyright 
infringement.  Depending on how blatant their actions are, I may just 
create an alternative graphic that says "This site links to other site's 
graphics illegally and without permission!" and name it the graphic they 
are linking to and change the original graphic's name and in my code to not 
effect my site(s).  That graphic then displays on their site and can be 
quite embarrassing.

If someone is linking to content and framing it to look as though it is 
theirs, I again will write them in a sternly professional tone and ask the 
make the appropriate credits/copyrights visible and then immediately 
include a script on my page that breaks that page out of any frames.  This 
isn't a universal solution but it has worked effectively for me.

The Web is all about linking.   Especially since links TO your site are now 
an integral part of your search engine positioning efforts (if that is 
important to you) and can build awareness for your site from sites where 
folks may have never thought to look you up otherwise.

The way I look at it is, if anyone is linking to any of my sites from 
theirs, as long as they are not giving the impression that it is their 
material, I consider the links welcomed and a compliment. I am always 
impressed though when folks email first and ask permission.  I then, if 
possible, will try to return the favor.

I go through my stats on a regular basis and based on the site in questions 
area of focus if I see someone is linking to me and I can return the favor 
I'll actually send them a thank you email and let them know I've linked 
back.  Folks love that and it helps you to build online contacts that you 
just never know what they may turn into!


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