Re: Dilemma with Radio Buttons

by ErthWlkr(at)

 Date:  Mon, 20 Nov 2000 13:09:43 EST
 To:  jtpolk(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hiya JT and Friends:

JT wrote:

>Seeing the None at the bottom of the list is very clear and should not
>lead to any customer confusion.
>They are going to have to click on something to clear just that section,
>so why not have it be something that requires little if any thought on
>their part.

I've read through the emails on this issue and also did some research only to 
find the same information presented here.

But I've got a question for JT and the other experienced users -

Is it possible to set up each section as a form in itself with its own clear 
button?  And then could you tie each section together upon hitting a SUBMIT 
button at the end of the form?

Is this possible?  Just curious....

- Jeff K.

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