Re: HTML Programs

by ErthWlkr(at)

 Date:  Wed, 28 Jun 2000 07:03:14 EDT
 To:  kejones(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Friends:

It was written:

> But I
>  would like to get the opinion of the rest of the list. Which HTML program 
>  you guys think is the best.

The one whose teeth you brush in the morning! :-)

As a beginning student, and still am, I was always told to stay away from 
WYSIWYG editors like FrontPage until I learned the basics of HTML.  I've 
followed that philosophy and am really enjoying the mechanics of the 
language.  I have moved on to HomeSite on my PC and BBedit on my Mac. 
Basically saves a lot of keystrokes when I want to move along quicker.  In 
this case, you're still writing code, but just pushing buttons to enter the 
tags and attributes.

But, beyond that, there is a real prejudice about these editors.  I've seen 
some horrible sites and some that surprised me when I saw they were created 
in FrontPage.  I think it would be a mistake for this community to ignore the 
inroads that these editors have made - over time, I believe more designers 
will be turning to them especially for productivity's sake.

Now that I think I have the basics down, I will be taking some courses in 
FrontPage. Seems to be popular, comes free, and is currently residing unused 
on my machine.
Good as any for the moment.

An interesting question -for you PC people out there....did you have to learn 
DOS in order to run Windows?  Would it be nice to know DOS if you ever got 
*in trouble* and needed to go into the guts of the OS?  Yeah!

Just my humble opinions.....

- Jeff 

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