A quick hello / HTML Course 28 February

by EncomDesign(at)aol.com

 Date:  Sun, 20 Feb 2000 16:37:25 EST
 To:  hwg-basics(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original

Firstly, my apologies if this is not the correct format for e-mail to this 

I recently joined the HWG to educate myself in HTML, JavaScript and CGI.
In November 1999 I decided to study HTML. At first I thought why would anyone 
bother learning HTML etc. when you have FrontPage etc.?, then I realised how 
powerful yet simple hand coding HTML would prove to be.

Rapid learning of HTML is my goal as I am chasing employment as a junior HTML 
author / Web Developer, at 28 a serious change of direction!

With this in mind I have been taking on-line tutorials and notice the HWG has 
a comprehensive range of courses - I would like to request the guidance of 
existing members of the HWG on several issues:
1. Is the HTML Introduction course on the 28th Feb. a good course to take?
2. What courses have you taken and which can you recommend?
3. As an educational path I am thinking HTML4, JavaScript and CGI - learning 
in the first year and then gaining competency in the second before looking at 
the next move - does this sound right? I worry it's not (re: point 4)
4. Job adverts seem to be '1 to 2 year experience - HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, 
CGI, Perl, XML, Java, DreamWeaver, Photoshop'!! Surely this is make believe? 
Can anyone really be competent like this?

Again, my apologies if this mailing is misdirected.

Thank you in advance for your attention to these questions, any response will 
be greatly appreciated and considered.

Mark Crowther.

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