Re: Netscape madness..

by ErthWlkr(at)

 Date:  Tue, 27 Mar 2001 21:32:01 EST
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hiya Fuzzy, Susan, and Friends:

Sue wrote:

> Either you have already fixed it or gremlins have overtaken your computer 
>  system.  I called up your link in Netscape 3.0 800x600 resolution, and 
>  everything looked fine.  The search box is in the left-hand column neatly 
>  lined up under all the other buttons.

If only it were true... :-( 

Your browser may be the exception - I'm still getting the distorted table.  
When I isolate that table in a separate HTML doc, the problem goes away.  So 
it's something in the code in my page - or at least that's my thought. As 
Fuzzy says, it might be the nested tables - this is the third table in so 
maybe NN is gagging on it.

What's interesting is that if I remove the row with the input box, the table 
shrinks to the correct size.  The gremlin is in there somehow....

Phooey - I'm gonna drown my troubles in some Ben and Jerry's....  :-)

- Jeff K.

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