Re: Favorite Resolution and Browsers

by ErthWlkr(at)

 Date:  Sat, 18 Nov 2000 08:05:45 EST
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Andi:

You had asked:

>What is the current favorite monitor resolution used by visitors?

This from and their global statistic base:

800x600    257236789 (55%) 
1024x768    132527671 (28%) 
640x480    38709903 (8%) 
1280x1024    13346295 (2%) 
1152x864    11868162 (2%) 
Unknown    8555196 (1%) 
1600x1200    2237237 (0%) 

1. MSIE 5.x    369341075 (66%) 
2. MSIE 4.x    86672979 (15%) 
3. Netscape 4.x    72932564 (13%) 
4. Netscape comp.    9330162 (1%) 
5. Unknow    6077557 (1%) 
6. MSIE 2.x    3958924 (0%) 
7. MSIE 3.x    2561440 (0%) 
8. Netscape 3.x    2552658 (0%) 
9. Opera x.x    719852 (0%) 
10. Netscape 5.x    273951 (0%) 
11. Netscape 2.x    93333 (0%) 
12. Netscape 1.x    4031 (0%) 
13. MSIE 1.x    1353 (0%) 

Hope this helps....

- Jeff K.

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