encryption of Data

by JoshAlliTJ(at)cs.com

 Date:  Sun, 17 Sep 2000 22:19:50 EDT
 To:  hwg-basics(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original

I asked the guild this question before, but I don't remember the answers so 
sorry in advance.

My client does NOT want credit card processing to be done on line.  He wants 
the information (name, visa number, expiration date) to be gathered at the 
site and then Emailed to him and he wants to enter the information into his 
already-existing swipe machine for processing.  He wants to do it this way 
because it will save him money.

My concern is that this (Email) is not encrypted so there is a chance that 
hackers (or whatever they are called) could get the information.  I'm 
thinking that this could bring on a lawsuit to my client.

How can I meet my client's needs?


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